Warriors and Explorers - Two Special Verbs: Be and Have - Verbs

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Warriors and Explorers
Two Special Verbs: Be and Have

From about A.D. 800 to 1100, fierce warriors attacked parts of Europe. What were these warriors called?

To answer the question, read the paragraph below. Decide if the underlined words are verbs or verb phrases. Some of the underlined words are not verbs or verb phrases. Start with the first sentence. Then write the letter beneath each correct verb or verb phrase in order in the spaces at the bottom of the page.

About 1,200 years ago, warriors from northern Europe Image. They Image the countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Today these countries Image Scandinavia. The warriors Image sailors. At first they Image the coasts of Europe. Then some of them Image They Image Iceland and Greenland. They even Image North America. This Image 500 years before Columbus. Their adventures Image in stories. These stories Image as sagas.