Great Explorer - Two Special Verbs: Be and Have - Verbs

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Great Explorer
Two Special Verbs: Be and Have

Samuel de Champlain was one of Canada’s most famous explorers. Historians have given him a special title. What is this title?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Find the verb or verb phrase. If the verb or verb phrase is used correctly, write the letter for correct in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. If the verb or verb phrase is used incorrectly, write the letter for incorrect. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Samuel de Champlain is born in France about 1567.

E. Correct

W. Incorrect

2. He sailed to the New World in 1599.

T. Correct

A. Incorrect

3. In 1603, he make his first trip to North America.

L. Correct

C. Incorrect

4. He explore the St. Lawrence River.

X. Correct

O. Incorrect

5. He helped start a new settlement.

H. Correct

T. Incorrect

6. This settlement became the city of Quebec.

N. Correct

U. Incorrect

7. Samuel de Champlain build a trading post at Montreal.

R. Correct

E. Incorrect

8. He spent many more years exploring Canada.

A. Correct

R. Incorrect

9. In 1633, he was made governor of French lands in Canada.

F. Correct

N. Incorrect

10. Samuel de Champlain dies in 1635.

E. Correct

R. Incorrect
