Fairy Tales - Comparing with adverbs - Adverbs

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Fairy Tales
Comparing with adverbs

Like adjectives, adverbs can be used to compare two or more things.

✵ To compare two things, add -er to most adverbs. To compare three or more things, add -est.


✵ For most adverbs of two or more syllables, use more or most for comparing.


Here is an example of comparing with adverbs.

James came early to school.

Cory came earlier than James.

Vinny came earliest of all.

6.4 Fairy Tales

In the late 1600s, this French author wrote down many fairy tales. These stories had been told for generations. Two of the most famous are “Cinderella” and “Sleeping Beauty.” What was this man’s name?

To answer the question, find the correct adverb form. Choose the correct form from the words following the numbered adverb. Only one of the choices for each adverb will be correct. Write the letter of each answer in the space above the adverb’s number at the bottom of the page.
