Worked Exam Answer - Section Six — Arguing and Analysing

This book is a superb all-in-one guide to success GCSE English Language and English Literature - GCSE English 2003

Worked Exam Answer
Section Six — Arguing and Analysing

I've looked at this exam question and done a sample answer for you, with a few helpful notes scribbled on. It should really help you get an idea of what to do, so don't say I never do anything for you.

Worked Exam Question

1. Write a speech for your M.P. to use to persuade fellow M.P.s to vote for more money to be made available for foreign aid.

Essay plan:

1. Begin by appealing to the M.P.s for their support in increasing aid.

2. Give examples of how people are suffering around the world.

3. Show how increasing foreign aid can make a difference.

4. Conclude with an emotional appeal about how they should vote.

