Exam Questions - Section Six — Arguing and Analysing

This book is a superb all-in-one guide to success GCSE English Language and English Literature - GCSE English 2003

Exam Questions
Section Six — Arguing and Analysing

Q1 Argue for or against the proposition that children are spending too much time at home using computers, instead of taking part in sporting and social activities. Remember to:

✵ Choose the right language to present an argument.

✵ Sequence your ideas appropriately.

Q2 Write a speech for your M.P. to use to persuade fellow M.P.s to vote for a ban on violence in children’s television programmes. Remember to:

✵ Choose the right language for a speech.

✵ Use persuasive language.

Q3 Write an advice sheet for parents, about their children using computers at home. Remember to:

✵ Set out your writing as an advice sheet.

✵ Concentrate on advising parents about the benefits of children using computers at home.

✵ Provide suggestions for other activities their children might take part in.

Q4 Write an article for a tabloid newspaper where you aim to:

✵ Argue the case for less violence in children's television programmes.

✵ Persuade the reader that watching violence on television can make children more aggressive.

✵ Choose language that will argue, persuade and advise.