Rings around the planets - Social studies words

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Rings around the planets
Social studies words

Social studies is the study of relationships between people and countries.

1. voyage (n): a journey over water or through the air or space

The voyage from England to the American colonies took many weeks.

2. explorer (n): a person who searches for the purpose of discovery

Christopher Columbus was an explorer who sought a sea route to Asia.

3. citizen (n): a member of a nation

The rights of every citizen in the United States are protected by law.

4. armada (n): a large fleet of armed ships

The Spanish sent an armada to attack England in 1588.

5. pioneer (n): a person who goes into an unknown land to live

The life of a pioneer was hard.

6. colony (n): a group of people who settle in a distant land but remain under the control of their home country

The new colony faced many hardships.

7. nation (n): a group of people who live together under the same government and share many of the same customs and usually the same language; a country

Australia is a nation that is also a continent.

8. patriot (n): a person who loves and is willing to defend his or her country

Paul Revere was an American patriot.

9. union (n): the joining of two or more things or people into one

The 13 colonies formed a new union after the Revolutionary War.

10. frontier (n): land beyond a settled part of a country; an area that is being explored

The frontier was a land of endless forests.

Vocabulary tip

Many social studies words focus on history.

35.1 Rings around the planets

At one time, Saturn was the only planet thought to have rings. Its rings were made of particles of rocks, dust, and ice. Today, astronomers know that other planets in our solar system also have rings. What are three of these planets?

To answer the question, find the word for each definition below. Choose your answers from the words after the definitions. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its definition number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. a person who loves and is willing to defend his or her country _____

2. a person who goes into an unknown land to live _____

3. a member of a nation _____

4. a journey over water or through the air or space _____

5. land beyond a settled part of a country _____

6. a group of people who live together under the same government and share many of the same customs and usually the same language _____

7. a group of people who settle in a distant land but remain under the control of their home country _____

8. a person who searches for the purpose of discovery _____

9. the joining of two or more things or groups into one _____

10. a large fleet of armed ships _____


S. pioneer

T. nation

E. frontier

J. union

R. colony

I. citizen

N. armada

P. explorer

U. voyage

A. patriot
