A crop scientist - Science words

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

A crop scientist
Science words

One type of scientist studies soil and crops. What is the special name for this kind of scientist?

To answer the question, find the word that matches each clue below. Choose your answers from the words after each clue. Write the letter of each answer in the space above the clue’s number at the bottom of the page.

1. This person flies spacecraft. What is this person?

A. astronomer

I. predator

O. astronaut

2. It is raining outside. What is this an example of?

R. weather

A. climate

S. molecule

3. Pure iron contains only atoms of iron. What is this an example of?

R. prey

N. atmosphere

T. element

4. Northern Alaska has very cold winters. What is this an example of?

A. climate

F. atmosphere

S. weather

5. This animal hunts other animals for food. What kind of animal is this?

E. prey

T. atom

S. predator

6. This person studies the stars. What is this person?

O. astronaut

N. astronomer

L. atmosphere

7. The smallest particle of water is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. What is this an example of?

I. molecule

U. atom

E. element

8. Other animals hunt this animal for food. What is this animal?

O. prey

I. predator

R. atmosphere

9. Gases surround the earth. What do these gases make up?

A. astronomer

G. atmosphere

S. climate

10. This is the smallest part of an element with the characteristics of the element. What is it?

G. prey

M. atom

O. molecule
