A tasty treat - Time words

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

A tasty treat
Time words

This tasty treat was introduced in 1912. What was it?

To answer the question, complete each sentence with the correct word. Choose your answers from the words after each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words. One letter is provided.

1. The Wright brothers invented the airplane more than a _____ ago in 1903.

A. month

U. decade

E. century

2. We have time to complete our science project because it is due one _____ from today.

I. month

A. second

E. hour

3. I have a dentist appointment in the middle of the day at _____.

R. noon

S. midnight

E. hour

4. Sarah stayed up past her bedtime and went to sleep at _____ last night.

N. minute

S. midnight

R. noon

5. William practiced his trumpet for one _____ yesterday.

T. decade

C. hour

M. century

6. We went on a vacation to Florida last _____.

U. minute

A. decade

O. year

7. Darren was only one _____ late, but he still missed his bus.

E. minute

T. decade

O. hour

8. Jessica checked the _____ and found that the first day of spring is Saturday.

E. month

O. calendar

A. year

9. James is 10 years old but tells everyone he is one _____ old.

H. month

K. decade

C. century

10. A meteor streaked across the sky, but it was gone in a _____.

S. decade

M. year

O. second
