Fleas - Antonyms, II

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Antonyms, II

Fleas are small, wingless insects. They live on the skin of animals, especially mammals. Fleas feed on the blood of their hosts. What are people who are experts on fleas called?

To answer the question, find the antonym of each word below. Choose your answers from the choices that follow each word. Write the letter of the antonym in the space above its line number at the bottom of the page. Some letters are provided.

1. destroy:

C. build

S. wreck

K. collect

2. polite:

D. agree

M. foolishness

G. rude

3. nonsense:

U. silliness

E. dull

I. sense

4. humorous:

I. serious

E. fearless

A. amusing

5. delightful:

P. interesting

L. unpleasant

N. comical

6. courageous:

R. boring

P. cowardly

T. brave

7. agree:

O. reject

A. polite

Y. create

8. loyalty:

S. faithfulness

T. treachery

D. logic

9. gather:

L. scatter

S. delight

N. collect

10. interesting:

E. pleasant

I. grave

S. boring
