The man who named the dinosaurs - Prefixes, I

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

The man who named the dinosaurs
Prefixes, I

A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word. A prefix changes the meaning of a word to which it is added. Following are some common prefixes and their meanings:


1. prehistoric (adj): at a time before written history

Prehistoric cave paintings tell much about early humans.

2. misspell (v): to spell incorrectly

Talia tries not to misspell any words when writing.

3. underground (adj): beneath the surface of the earth

The underground water pipe was broken.

4. precaution (n): an action taken in advance, usually for safety; a safeguard

As a precaution, we locked the car.

5. unsafe (adj): dangerous; risky

The ice was unsafe for skating.

6. impossible (adj): not able to happen; unreal

With our current technology, it is impossible for humans to visit Mars.

7. underline (v): to draw a line beneath

The teacher instructed the class to underline new words.

8. misplace (v): to put in a wrong place; to lose

I always misplace my pencil.

9. impolite (adj): showing bad manners; rude; discourteous

Speaking with your mouth full of food is impolite.

10. unsure (adj): not certain; doubtful

Kim was unsure of her answer.

Vocabulary tip

The meaning of a prefix is a clue to a word’s meaning.

16.1 The man who named the dinosaurs

This English scientist was the first to use the term dinosaur, meaning “terrible lizard.” Who was he?

To answer the question, find the word or phrase that best defines each word below. Choose your answers from the words or phrases after each word. Write the letter of each answer in the space above the word’s number at the bottom of the page.

1. precaution:

I. careless

E. safeguard

U. unreal

2. impolite:

H. rude

M. unhappy

L. mistaken

3. unsure:

A. correct

I. not certain

O. certain

4. impossible:

E. easy

U. believable

O. not able to happen

5. unsafe:

A. dangerous

I. careful

Y. possible

6. misspell:

S. missing letter

N. spell incorrectly

D. make a correction

7. underground:

D. a cellar

U. far below

R. beneath earth’s surface

8. misplace:

W. to lose

L. to find

T. to put away

9. underline:

S. make a drawing

D. to draw a line beneath

M. to highlight

10. prehistoric:

L. early history

O. before people

C. before written history
