A grand biome - Prefixes, II

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

A grand biome
Prefixes, II

A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word. A prefix changes the meaning of a word to which it is added. Following are some common prefixes and their meanings:


1. rewrite (v): to write again, especially to improve writing; to revise

Brittany must rewrite her story.

2. dishonest (adj): untrustworthy; deceitful

Cheating is a dishonest act.

3. subzero (adj): below zero

The cold temperature was subzero.

4. dislike (v): to have a bad feeling for; to object to; to disapprove of

I dislike the shorter hours of daylight during the winter.

5. nonstop (adj): having made no pauses or breaks; (adv): done without a stop

Darius and his family took a nonstop flight to California.

We worked nonstop on our project yesterday after school.

6. renew (v): to make new again; to restore

Melissa must renew a magazine subscription.

7. telephone (n): a device for speaking over long distances

I enjoy talking to my friends on the telephone.

8. disagree (v): to differ in opinion; to oppose

Although Jon and James are twins, they disagree on almost everything.

9. telescope (n): an instrument for seeing distant objects, especially in space

A telescope is an important tool of astronomers.

10. nonfat (adj): containing no fat, especially in foods with the fat removed

We drink nonfat milk in our family.

Vocabulary tip

Prefixes are always added in front of a base word or root.

17.1 A grand biome

A biome is a large region of the earth. The environment of a biome results from its geographical features and climate. Many scientists believe that a certain biome is home to about half of the world’s plants and animals. What biome is this?

To answer the question, match each word on the left with its definition on the right. Write the letter of each answer in the space above the word’s number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words. One letter is provided.
