Peanuts - Suffixes, I

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Suffixes, I

A suffix is a word part added to the end of a base word or root. A suffix adds to the meaning of the word. Following are some common suffixes and their meanings:


1. thoughtful (adj): engaged in thinking; serious; being considerate of others

Uncle Thomas is a thoughtful man who is always willing to help others.

2. teacher (n): one who provides knowledge to others; instructor; educator

Mrs. Parker is Rogelio’s favorite teacher.

3. remarkable (adj): noteworthy; outstanding; very special

The championship game was remarkable.

4. penmanship (n): the skill, style, or manner of handwriting

Alyssa has very neat penmanship.

5. careless (adj): not cautious; reckless; sloppy

The careless child knocked the cookie jar off the table.

6. doctor (n): a person trained to practice medicine; physician

The doctor said that Lara had a cold.

7. hardship (n): trouble; misfortune; difficulty

The storm caused hardship for travelers.

8. careful (adj): cautious; attentive; alert

You should always be careful when crossing a street.

9. inventor (n): one who makes something never made before; creator; developer

Thomas Edison, who developed the lightbulb, was a great inventor.

10. comfortable (adj): restful; contented; relaxed

The new couch was very comfortable.

Vocabulary tip

Understanding the meanings of suffixes can help you understand the meanings of words.

18.1 Peanuts

This scientist developed more than 300 uses for peanuts. Who was he?

To answer the question, find the word or phrase that has a similar meaning to each word below. Choose your answers from the words or phrases after each word. Write the letter of each answer in the space above the word’s number at the bottom of the page. Some letters are provided.

1. hardship:

N. cautious

C. misfortune

R. restful

2. inventor:

O. creator

A. educator

U. doctor

3. penmanship:

N. very special

R. one who teaches

V. manner of handwriting

4. thoughtful:

I. one who makes

E. physician

S. engaged in thinking

5. comfortable:

R. restful

T. alert

M. outstanding

6. teacher:

H. physician

N. instructor

T. reckless

7. remarkable:

E. attentive

I. outstanding

O. serious

8. careful:

U. difficult

Y. relaxed

A. cautious

9. doctor:

W. creator

J. inventor

G. physician

10. careless:

E. reckless

I. contented

U. noteworthy
