Dinosaur time - Compound words, I

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Dinosaur time
Compound words, I

A compound word is a word that is made of two or more words. Compound words may be closed (for example, playground), open (seat belt), or hyphenated (up-to-date).

1. flashlight (n): a small portable light usually powered by batteries

We use a flashlight when a storm causes the power to go out during the night.

2. weekend (n): the end of the week, especially Friday evening through Sunday

Our family relaxes during the weekend.

3. playground (n): an area outside for play and recreation

Patrick pushed his little brother on the swing at the playground.

4. seat belt (n): a safety belt or strap designed to hold a person securely in a seat

You should always wear a seat belt when riding in a car.

5. sweatshirt (n): a heavy pullover with long sleeves, often worn during exercise

Emily wears a sweatshirt when she jogs.

6. tablecloth (n): a cloth or other material used for covering a table, especially during a meal

Rhiannon put a plastic tablecloth on the picnic table.

7. up-to-date (adj): including the most recent changes; current; modern

Antonio has the most up-to-date software for his computer.

8. sometimes (adv): once in a while; now and then; occasionally

Sometimes Mom lets me stay up late to watch the end of a movie.

9. alarm clock (n): a clock that can be set to ring or buzz at a certain time

I set my alarm clock for seven o’clock each morning.

10. cardboard (n): stiff, heavy paper used in making boxes, signs, posters, etc.

We recycle glass, newspaper, and cardboard every week.

Vocabulary tip

The meaning of a compound word is usually built upon the meanings of the words that form it.

24.1 Dinosaur time

Dinosaurs lived throughout the Mesozoic Era. This period of the earth’s history lasted from 245 million years ago to 65 million years ago. The Mesozoic Era is often referred to by another name. What is this name?

To answer the question, find the word that matches each definition below. Choose your answers from the words after the definitions. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its definition number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words. Some letters are provided.

1. an area outside for play and recreation _____

2. once in a while; now and then; occasionally _____

3. a small portable light, usually powered by batteries _____

4. including the most recent changes; current; modern _____

5. a heavy pullover with long sleeves _____

6. a clock that can be set to ring or buzz at a certain time _____

7. the end of the week; especially Friday evening through Sunday _____

8. a cloth or other material used for covering a table, especially during a meal _____

9. a safety belt or strap designed to hold a person securely in a seat _____

10. stiff, heavy paper used in making boxes, signs, posters, etc. _____


A. flashlight

I. up-to-date

O. sweatshirt

E. cardboard

H. sometimes

G. weekend

T. tablecloth

P. playground

L. alarm clock

S. seat belt
