Named for a Queen - Clipped words

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Named for a Queen
Clipped words

The colony of Maryland was named after the queen of Charles I of England. What was the queen’s name?

To answer the question, find the word for each definition below. Choose your answers from the words that follow each definition. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its definition number at the bottom of the page. Some letters are provided.

1. a winged vehicle capable of flying

R. condo

I. deli

N. plane

2. a box, cabinet, or room for storing foods or other substances at low temperatures

S. champ

N. gym

A. fridge

3. a sandwich made with a patty of ground meat, usually beef

T. burger

I. flu

O. condo

4. a shop that sells foods ready for serving

U. gym

R. deli

A. burger

5. a person who rules on the plays of a game

I. ump

Y. champ

S. fridge

6. an apartment that is owned rather than rented

A. plane

N. deli

E. condo

7. the science that deals with numbers and measurement

D. gym

M. math

A. champ

8. an illness with fever, sore throat, body aches, and fatigue caused by a virus

U. condo

E. flu

O. ump

9. a person who holds first place or wins first place in a contest or sports event

H. champ

M. ump

A. gym

10. a room for exercise or sports

N. plane

R. gym

S. condo
