28. Give a Reason - 2. Linking Gambits

Conversation Gambits - Eric Keller, Sylvia T Warner 1988

28. Give a Reason
2. Linking Gambits

Sit in a circle. Take a piece of paper and write down a job that would suit the student to your left and the reason for choosing that job For example, if you think your neighbour would make a good taxi­driver, you can write I think you should be a taxi-driver because you are such a careful driver

Fold the paper so that the next student cannot read what you have written but put the name of the student to your left at the bottom of the paper Then pass it to the student on your right.

This student adds a new reason for choosing a job For example, he or she could add, And besides, you re so popular with women Then pass' the paper to the next student on the right.

Continue round the circle until each paper comes back to the student whose name is at the bottom of the page. At that point each student reads the list of suggestions to the rest of the class Don t forget to use the important phrases

Some reasons for choosing a job

1. This may be your last chance to make some money.

2. Think how famous you would be.

3. You seem to enjoy working with people.

4. Have you thought what it would do for your image?

5. Anything is an improvement on what you're doing now.

And besides,


In addition,

What’s more,

And another thing,

Not to mention the fact that ...

Plus the fact that ...

Not only 2that, but ...