First Female Police Officer - Italics - Punctuation and capitalization

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

First Female Police Officer
Punctuation and capitalization

Italics are used to show certain titles and names. They are also used to highlight words. Italics are letters that lean to the right in printed material. In handwritten material, underlining is used in place of italics.

Use italics (or underlining) to show the following:

✵ The titles of books, movies, and TV shows

Book: Where the Red Fern Grows

Movie: The Incredibles

TV show: The Simpsons

✵ The names of newspapers and magazines

Newspaper: New York Times

Magazine: Cricket

✵ Highlighting of words

It’s and its do not mean the same thing.

8.15 First Female Police Officer

In 1910, this woman became a police officer for the Los Angeles Police Department. She was the first female police officer in the nation with the power to arrest lawbreakers. What was her name?

To answer the question, decide if the names and titles below need italics. If a name or title is correctly written in italics, write the letter for correct in the space above its number at the bottom of the page. If a name or title is incorrect, write the letter for incorrect. You will need to divide the letters into words.
