Discoverer of Bacteria - Italics - Punctuation and capitalization

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Discoverer of Bacteria
Punctuation and capitalization

In 1674, Dutchman Anton van Leeuwenhoek used a simple microscope and discovered bacteria. What did Leeuwenhoek call bacteria?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the underlined words should be italicized, write the letter for italics in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If the underlined words should not be italicized, write the letter for no italics.

1. Allan has always been interested in science.

C. Italics

U. No Italics

2. Allan’s father bought a microscope for him.

R. Italics

M. No Italics

3. His father gave Allan a book titled How to Use a Microscope.

S. Italics

Y. No Italics

4. Allan’s microscope is different than the one Leeuwenhoek used.

S. Italics

C. No Italics

5. Allan’s father read an article about bacteria in a magazine called Science.

N. Italics

H. No Italics

6. He also read about bacteria in the New York Times.

E. Italics

V. No Italics

7. Leeuwenhoek was an excellent scientist.

U. Italics

I. No Italics

8. Allan is planning to read a book about the life of Anton van Leeuwenhoek.

M. Italics

A. No Italics

9. Tonight Allan will watch a TV show titled Great Scientists of the Past.

L. Italics

E. No Italics
