First Phone Call - Fragments and run-on sentences - Sentences

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

First Phone Call
Fragments and run-on sentences

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. He made the first telephone call to his assistant. What was the name of Bell’s assistant?

To answer the question, read each example below. Decide if it is a correctly written sentence. If the example is a correct sentence, write the letter for correct in the space above its number at the bottom of the page. If it is not correct, write the letter for incorrect. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. The telephone is one of the greatest inventions of all time, people make billions of calls each day.

U. Correct

M. Incorrect

2. Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call in 1876.

N. Correct

S. Incorrect

3. Greatly changed the lives of people all over the world.

A. Correct

H. Incorrect

4. Soon telephones became common.

W. Correct

T. Incorrect

5. In time, the whole country was linked by telephone.

A. Correct

E. Incorrect

6. Today, using cell phones every day.

N. Correct

S. Incorrect

7. Ana takes her cell phone everywhere.

O. Correct

L. Incorrect

8. She uses her phone to call people she takes pictures with it.

W. Correct

T. Incorrect
