Famous Woman Dentist - Fragments and run-on sentences - Sentences

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Famous Woman Dentist
Fragments and run-on sentences

In 1866, this woman graduated from dental school in the United States. She was the first woman to do this. Who was she?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Name the underlined part. Choose your answers from the choices after each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Clean, strong teeth are important to your health.

G. Simple Subject

B. Complete Subject

T. Compound Subject

2. Teeth help you chew your food.

U. Simple Subject

L. Compound Subject

A. Simple Predicate

3. Dentists care for people’s teeth.

M. Simple Predicate

S. Compound Predicate

C. Complete Predicate

4. Your dentist checks your teeth for cavities.

S. Simple Predicate

K. Compound Predicate

M. Complete Predicate

5. Dentists fill cavities and clean your teeth.

O. Compound Predicate

A. Complete Predicate

K. Simple Predicate

6. Carla and her brother brush their teeth at least twice each day.

C. Complete Subject

H. Compound Subject

L. Simple Predicate

7. They also use dental floss to clean their teeth.

C. Simple Subject

L. Simple Predicate

S. Complete Predicate

8. The children visit their dentist two times each year.

U. Simple Subject

J. Compound Subject

B. Complete Subject

9. Their teeth are clean and healthy.

Y. Simple Subject

R. Simple Predicate

I. Compound Subject
