A Lethal creature - Homographs, I

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

A Lethal creature
Homographs, I

Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings. They have different origins, too. Some homographs also have different pronunciations.

1. yard (n): the area around a house

yard (n): 36 inches

2. close (klōs) (adj): near

close (klōz) (v): to shut

3. desert (deImage Imagert) (n): dry, barren land

desert (di zûrt′) (v): to go away from

4. bear (n): a large mammal

bear (v): to support or carry

5. pitcher (n): a position on a baseball team

pitcher (n): a container for pouring liquid

6. pupil (n): a student

pupil (n): the dark opening in the center of the eye

7. ball (n): a round object

ball (n): a formal dance

8. count (n): a nobleman

count (v): to name numbers in order

9. wind (wImagend) (n): moving air

wind (wīnd) (v): to turn

10. school (n): a place for learning

school (n): a large group of fish

Vocabulary Tip

Homographs that have different pronunciations are also known as heteronyms.

5.1 A Lethal creature

This small amphibian lives in the rain forests of Colombia, a country in South America. It is extremely poisonous. What is the name of this animal?

To answer the question, match each definition on the left with the correct homograph on the right. Write the letter of the homograph in the space above its definition number at the bottom of the page. Some letters are provided.
