Hungry elephants - Homographs, I

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Hungry elephants
Homographs, I

Elephants are big animals. They are also big eaters. About how much time per day does an elephant spend eating?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Match the underlined word with its definition. Choose your answers from the definitions after the sentences. Not all of the definitions will be used. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. The bear searched for food at the picnic grounds.

2. Lisa had to count the scissors to make sure all had been returned.

3. The raccoon mother did not desert her young during the terrible storm.

4. Teresa missed the bus and was late for school.

5. Jamal is a pitcher for his baseball team.

6. Please close the door.

7. The students learned about the role of the pupil in seeing.

8. Roberto pulled up the collar of his jacket to block the cold wind.

9. Cinderella lost her slipper at the ball.

10. The poster paper was a yard wide and four feet long.


M. area around a house

E. a formal dance

O. a large mammal

H. a part of the eye

W. to support; to carry

P. dry, barren land

S. to go away from

C. a student

U. moving air

A. a nobleman

R. a baseball player

K. to turn

J. near

G. 36 inches

B. a group of fish

I. to shut

T. to name numbers in order

L. a round object

V. a container for pouring liquid

N. a place for learning
