Volcanoes - Homophones, I

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Homophones, I

These scientists study volcanoes. What are they called?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the underlined word is used correctly, write the letter for correct in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If the underlined word is not used correctly, write the letter for incorrect.

1. Sam finished the whole project in three days.

A. correct

I. incorrect

2. We decided to meat at the library after school.

J. correct

G. incorrect

3. Melissa got every answer right on her math test.

S. correct

E. incorrect

4. Can you hear the distant echo?

C. correct

M. incorrect

5. A vain carries blood back to the heart.

U. correct

I. incorrect

6. On our way home from school, Mom took me to the mall.

N. correct

O. incorrect

7. My older brother tried to cell his car.

S. correct

T. incorrect

8. I finally paid back the lone of $5 to my sister.

E. correct

O. incorrect

9. We passed the Statue of Liberty during our visit to New York City.

V. correct

S. incorrect

10. Steal is a very strong metal used in construction.

I. correct

L. incorrect
