A high point - Homophones, II

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

A high point
Homophones, II

Homophones are words that sound alike but have different meanings and different spellings.

1. role (n): a character’s part in a play, movie, or TV show

roll (v): to move by turning over and over

2. stake (n): a stick with a pointed end

steak (n): a slice of meat or fish for cooking

3. brake (n): a device that slows a car, bike, or machine

break (v): to come apart; to separate into pieces

4. grate (v): to make a harsh, grinding sound

great (adj): very big in size or number

5. close (v): to shut

clothes (n): clothing; articles of dress; garments

6. knight (n): a medieval warrior

night (n): the time between sunset and sunrise

7. pair (n): set of two; two that go together

pear (n): a sweet, juicy fruit

8. waist (n): the part of the body between the ribs and hips

waste (v): to make poor use of; to spend foolishly

9. scene (n): the place where something happens; a setting

seen (v): viewed

10. colonel (n): an army officer with the rank just lower than a general

kernel (n): a grain or seed

Vocabulary tip

Computer spell-check programs do not identify incorrectly used homophones.

8.1 A high point

At 19,340 feet (5,895 meters) above sea level, this is the highest point in Africa. What is it?

To answer the question, match each definition on the left with the correct homophone on the right. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its definition number at the bottom of the page. Not all answers will be used. One letter is provided.
