Space pioneer - Easily confused words, III

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Space pioneer
Easily confused words, III

In 1926, this man launched the first liquid fuel space rocket. He is sometimes called the Father of Space Flight. What was his name?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the underlined word is used correctly, write the letter for correct in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If the underlined word is not used correctly, write the letter for incorrect. Some letters are provided.

1. Melanie wondered what was inside the big envelop that had her name on it.

E. correct

A. incorrect

2. The teacher instructed the class to be thorough with their research.

O. correct

I. incorrect

3. David and his father set in front-row seats at the game.

W. correct

R. incorrect

4. Claudia was impatient for the curtain to rise and the play to start.

G. correct

M. incorrect

5. Pastor Smith gave the sermon at church on Sunday.

D. correct

T. incorrect

6. The statue in the town square was made of medal.

L. correct

R. incorrect

7. Rodney was glad when the long drive was finale done.

O. correct

E. incorrect

8. Kelli gave her dog a command to roll over.

D. correct

S. incorrect

9. The hawk’s decent was swift and smooth.

N. correct

B. incorrect

10. Taking your shoes off when entering the house is a custom in Japan.

T. correct

D. incorrect
