To the South Pole - Words with Latin roots, I

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

To the South Pole
Words with Latin roots, I

Many English words have Latin roots. Some of these roots can be traced back to Latin that was spoken thousands of years ago. Some Latin roots (with their meanings in parentheses) are act (do), form (shape), terr (land), port (carry), and loc (place).

1. action (n): the process of doing something; act; deed

Martin’s quick action saved Jason from tripping.

2. porter (n): a person who carries luggage

The porter placed our luggage in our car.

3. uniform (n): clothes worn by members of a group or team

Sara picked up her soccer uniform yesterday.

4. actor (n): a person who plays a character in a story; a performer

Nathan was an actor in the school play.

5. locate (v): to find

Kyle used a map to locate the museum.

6. transport (v): to carry from one place to another

The moving company will transport our furniture to our new house.

7. territory (n): land; an area that a government exercises authority over

The pioneers settled new territory.

8. report (n): a detailed account; (v): to give an account

Marissa wrote a report about Canada.

The committee will report its findings today.

9. transform (v): to change in form, appearance, or nature

By building dams, beavers can transform streams and creeks.

10. react (v): to act back; to respond

Some dogs react to loud sirens by howling.

Vocabulary tip

Understanding the roots of words can help you understand their meanings.

12.1 To the South Pole

In 1911, this Norwegian explorer became the first man to reach the South Pole. Who was he?

To answer the question, complete each sentence with the correct word. Choose your answers from the words after the sentences. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page.

1. Marci chose Charlotte’s Web for her book _____.

2. I tried to _____ Walt Disney World on a map of Florida.

3. Joshua enjoys stage plays and hopes to be an _____ someday.

4. Trains _____ materials, products, and people.

5. At Gabriella’s school, every student wears a _____.

6. The exciting movie had lots of _____.

7. Much _____ in the southwestern part of the United States is desert.

8. The evil magician can _____ himself into a dragon.

9. Cats often _____ with curiosity to something new.

10. A _____ took our suitcases into the hotel for us.


R. react

O. actor

M. uniform

U. locate

E. territory

A. porter

N. transform

L. report

D. action

S. transport
