A deadly sting - Synonyms, I

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

A deadly sting
Synonyms, I

This creature lives in the waters north of Australia. Its tentacles can grow to be 15 feet (5 meters) long, and its sting can be deadly. What is it?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Replace each underlined word with its synonym. Choose your answers from the words after each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. Some letters are provided.

1. The Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean on earth, is gigantic.

S. deep

O. huge

T. noteworthy

2. We will divide the cards into groups.

U. complete

I. count

E. separate

3. Thunderstorms are common during this time of year.

P. famous

S. powerful

Y. usual

4. Judy Blume is one of the most outstanding writers of children’s books.

A. frequent

I. famous

E. complete

5. We ate the entire pizza ourselves.

F. whole

P. big

W. tasty

6. Tripping on your untied shoelaces is an awkward moment.

G. massive

X. ungraceful

T. amusing

7. The rebels fought for liberty during the war.

E. wealth

D. power

J. freedom

8. The baby was cute in her Halloween costume.

L. pretty

T. silly

P. smiling

9. The sudden sound of a smoke alarm will startle anyone.

T. wake

D. call

H. alarm

10. The silly puppy’s playful actions were comical.

T. interesting

B. amusing

R. ungraceful
