Smart dogs - Synonyms, II

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Smart dogs
Synonyms, II

A synonym is a word that has the same or about the same meaning as another word.

1. immense (adj): vast; tremendous; gigantic

Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is immense.

2. powerful (adj): strong; mighty

The powerful storm caused great destruction.

3. rage (n): anger; fury; wrath

The rage of the storm was frightening.

4. remain (v): stay; wait; to continue in the same state

Tara must remain in bed as long as she has a fever.

5. conflict (n): struggle; battle; fight; war

The conflict between the two countries lasted for years.

6. marvelous (adj): wonderful; astonishing; extraordinary

Jason enjoyed a marvelous show at the planetarium.

7. tiny (adj): small; little

A flea is so tiny that it is difficult to see.

8. revise (v): rewrite; change; alter

Professional authors always revise their work.

9. ferocious (adj): savage; fierce; cruel

The ferocious dragon attacked the village.

10. boundary (n): border; edge; margin

The Rio Grande is a river that serves as the boundary between the United States and Mexico.

Vocabulary Tip

Learning the synonyms of words is an excellent way to improve your vocabulary.

2.1 Smart dogs

Many dog breeders agree that these two dogs are the smartest of all breeds. One is the Jack Russell terrier. What is the other?

To answer the question, find the synonym of each word below. Choose your answers from the choices that follow each word. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its line number at the bottom of the page. One letter is provided.

1. tiny:

R. little

S. average

Y. large

2. powerful:

E. wonderful

O. strong

I. nice

3. ferocious:

S. slow

I. savage

E. light

4. remain:

I. leave

E. stay

A. hurry

5. marvelous:

D. frightful

G. dangerous

S. wonderful

6. rage:

O. tough

H. thoughtful

C. anger

7. revise:

T. change

L. begin

P. finish

8. immense:

S. calm

R. divide

B. vast

9. boundary:

H. border

D. outside

N. line

10. conflict:

P. think

L. fight

T. discover
