A milestone amendment - Words with Latin Roots, II

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

A milestone amendment
Words with Latin Roots, II

In 1920, passage of this amendment to the US Constitution gave women the right to vote. What amendment was this?

To answer the question, find the word or phrase that best defines each word below. Choose your answers from the words or phrases that follow each word. Write the letter of each answer in the space above the word’s number at the bottom of the page. You will need to reverse the order of the letters.

1. population:

I. citizens

N. people

E. home owners

2. corporation:

T. company

N. charity

V. organize

3. aqueduct:

U. water

T. relating to water

E. channel for water

4. camper:

E. campsite

T. outdoors person

O. hunter

5. aquarium:

O. pool

W. schools of fish

I. fish tank

6. campus:

T. playground

D. campsite

H. grounds around school

7. corps:

U. corporation

E. company

N. specially trained group

8. aquatic:

E. relating to water

L. sea life

N. water sports

9. contain:

T. a box

N. to hold

F. package

10. popular:

E. well liked

T. enjoyable

N. friendly
