Our national anthem - Words with Greek roots, I

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Our national anthem
Words with Greek roots, I

Many English words have Greek roots. The origins of many of these words can be traced back thousands of years. Some Greek roots (with their meanings in parentheses) are auto (self), bio (life), cycl (circle), geo (earth), graph (write), and photo (light).

1. autograph (n): a person’s signature

People waited in line for the movie star’s autograph.

2. geography (n): the study of the earth’s surface

Geography is Marianna’s favorite subject because she likes learning about the earth’s land features.

3. photograph (n): a picture taken by a camera

Mom keeps a photograph of our family on her desk.

4. autobiography (n): a written account of a person’s life, written by the person

The singer’s autobiography told of his hard work to become a star.

5. cycle (n): a regularly repeated event or series of events

Caitlyn’s class learned about the life cycle of frogs.

6. geometry (n): the study of points, lines, angles, figures, and measurement

Larissa got an A on her test in geometry.

7. telephoto (adj): pertaining to a lens that allows a camera to take pictures at great distances

The photographer used a telephoto lens to take pictures of the lion.

8. cyclone (n): a powerful storm with whirling winds; a tornado

The cyclone caused great destruction over the countryside.

9. recycle (v): to repeat a cycle

We recycle newspapers, bottles, and aluminum cans every week.

10. biography (n): a written account of a person’s life, written by another person

William enjoyed reading the biography of Thomas Jefferson.

Vocabulary tip

Understanding Greek roots can help you understand the meanings of many modern English words.

14.1 Our national anthem

“The Star-Spangled Banner” is our national anthem. This person wrote the poem that became the lyrics of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Who was he?

To answer the question, find the word for each definition. Choose your answers from the words after each definition. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its definition number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words. Some letters are provided.

1. pertaining to a lens that allows a camera to take pictures at great distances

N. telephoto

C. telephone

R. photographic

2. a written account of a person’s life, written by the person

I. autograph

E. biography

A. autobiography

3. a powerful storm with whirling winds

O. cycle

U. downpour

E. cyclone

4. the study of points, lines, angles, figures, and measurement

K. geography

C. geometry

H. mathematics

5. a written account of a person’s life, written by another person

T. biography

M. autobiography

D. autograph

6. to repeat a cycle

O. redo

H. create

R. recycle

7. a person’s signature

K. autograph

C. autobiography

A. biography

8. a picture taken by a camera

I. autobiography

S. photograph

C. telephoto

9. a regularly repeated event

T. recycle

D. action

F. cycle

10. the study of the earth’s surface

E. geometry

Y. geography

I. biography
