A young author - Suffixes, II

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

A young author
Suffixes, II

This author was only 15 years old when he wrote the original draft of Eragon. Who is he?

To answer the question, complete each sentence with the correct word. Choose your answers from the words after the sentences. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. Some letters are provided.

1. The _____ of the wonderful night was shared by everyone.

2. The day was _____ with deep-blue skies.

3. The wedding was a _____ event for our family.

4. The president is the head of our _____.

5. We love winter and were filled with _____ when our snowman melted.

6. _____ people think of themselves first.

7. Everyone should treat others with _____ every day.

8. The skyscrapers of the city were _____.

9. The students were in _____ about the topic for their project.

10. Misbehaving in class is _____ behavior.


H. sunny

C. agreement

E. enjoyment

I. enormous

O. joyous

P. kindness

L. childish

R. sadness

T. selfish

N. government
