Colony founder - Suffixes, II

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Colony founder
Suffixes, II

William Penn founded the colony of Pennsylvania in 1682. He also planned and named a city. What city was this?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the underlined word is used correctly, write the letter for correct in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. If the underlined word is not used correctly, write the letter for incorrect. Some letters are provided.

1. The sky on the sunny day was filled with clouds.

I. correct

E. incorrect

2. Selfish people are willing to share with others.

U. correct

I. incorrect

3. Hurricanes are enormous storms that can cause much damage.

I. correct

O. incorrect

4. Sadness does not mean sorrow.

F. correct

L. incorrect

5. Jamie loves reading and finds great enjoyment in a good story.

L. correct

H. incorrect

6. Everyone at the meeting was in agreement that a new school needed to be built.

A. correct

S. incorrect

7. The birth of the baby was a joyous time for the family.

H. correct

A. incorrect

8. To behave properly in school, students should act in a childish manner.

N. correct

D. incorrect

9. The evil witch, with kindness in her heart, cast a terrible spell upon the village.

W. correct

P. incorrect

10. A country’s government is its system for ruling.

H. correct

T. incorrect
