Planet sizes - Descriptive words, IV

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

Planet sizes
Descriptive words, IV

Speakers and writers use descriptive words to add details to their ideas.

1. artificial (adj): man-made; synthetic; not natural

The artificial flowers looked real.

2. spare (adj): extra; additional

We always keep spare batteries on hand.

3. exotic (adj): unfamiliar; strange; unusual

The parrot had exotic feathers.

4. difficult (adj): hard; demanding; burdensome

Last night’s math homework was difficult.

5. dependable (adj): reliable; trustworthy

Bryan is one of the most dependable students in his class.

6. ordinary (adj): common; usual; regular

We enjoyed a quiet, ordinary day.

7. vigorous (adj): energetic; intense

Our dance instructor led us through a vigorous workout.

8. impatient (adj): restless; not able to put up with delay

Our flight was late, and we were impatient to get home.

9. spectacular (adj): marvelous; wonderful; breathtaking

The singers at the concert put on a spectacular performance.

10. soggy (adj): soaked; thoroughly wet

The ground was soggy after the heavy rain.

Vocabulary tip

Most descriptive words are adjectives.

23.1 Planet sizes

Of the planets in our solar system, Earth is more than twice the size of the smallest. But the biggest planet in our solar system is more than ten times the size of Earth. What are the smallest planet and the biggest planet in our solar system?

To answer the question, match each word on the left with its definition on the right. Write the letter of each answer in the space above the word’s number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.
