States of matter - Descriptive words, IV

Exploring vocabulary - Muschla Gary R. 2012

States of matter
Descriptive words, IV

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter has three states. What are these three states?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Replace each underlined word with the word that has a similar meaning. Choose your answers from the words after each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words. Some letters are provided.

1. Because of the broken water pipe, the rug was soaked.

T. artificial

M. exotic

D. soggy

2. Today’s basketball practice was intense.

U. dependable

I. vigorous

A. spectacular

3. I have the usual amount of homework tonight.

O. ordinary

A. difficult

I. spare

4. The robot’s synthetic skin seemed lifelike.

U. artificial

A. dependable

E. ordinary

5. The fireworks over the bay were breathtaking.

U. vigorous

S. impatient

L. spectacular

6. Grandpa’s old truck is very reliable.

U. difficult

A. dependable

E. vigorous

7. The zoo had unusual animals from around the world.

N. ordinary

L. exotic

R. artificial

8. Mom makes sure I have extra pens, pencils, and paper for school.

G. spectacular

Q. spare

M. exotic

9. Because of the snowstorm, traveling was hard for everyone.

S. difficult

P. dependable

E. soggy

10. James is restless and does not like to wait.

M. vigorous

T. difficult

G. impatient
